We are committed to protecting the privacy of individuals and to the proper management of personal information under our control. A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is a risk identification and mitigation process used to ensure legal requirements are met, determine how a program, initiative or activity affects the privacy of an individual, and to help avoid or lessen the possible negative effects on an individual’s privacy.
In accordance with the Directive on Privacy Practices we conduct PIAs when new programs, initiatives or activities have privacy impacts, or when changes to existing programs affect the way personal information is collected, used, or disclosed. Copies of PIA reports are submitted as required to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and the Treasury Board Secretariat.
The following are summaries of PIAs completed by the Mint:
🗎 Mental Health Peer Support Program (2024) (139 KB)
🗎 Royal Canadian Mint Due Diligence Activities (2021) (165.4 KB)