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An Environmentally and Socially Responsible Mint

The Mint performs a duty that is essential to Canadians, and we don’t take that responsibility lightly. We use our unique position as Canada’s coin producer to support important causes, shine a light on historical figures and moments, as well as advocate for responsible sourcing in Canada and around the world — all while generating value to the Canadian economy.

The Mint is a recognized Canadian corporate leader in socially and environmentally responsible business practices (with multiple Corporate Knights Top 50 Best Corporate Citizens rankings) and will continue to prioritize its corporate-wide ESG commitment.

We are committed to acting responsibly by minimizing our impact on the environment, cultivating safe and inclusive workplaces and making a positive difference in the communities where we operate.

<strong>Decarbonization Roadmap</strong><br /><p>Identify actions and investments needed to achieve reduction targets for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.</p>
<strong>Waste Diversion</strong><br /><p>Achieve waste diversion target of&nbsp;44%.</p>
<strong>Water Consumption</strong><br /><p>Identify opportunities to reduce water consumption by 5% over 3 years.</p>
<strong>Scope 3 GHG Emissions</strong><br /><p>Identify and quantify Scope 3 sources.</p>
<strong>Diversity</strong><br /><p>Achieve targets for workforce identifying as women, visible minorities, Indigenous Peoples, living with a disability.</p>
<strong>Safety</strong><br /><p>Reduce reportable injury rate year&#8209;over&#8209;year.</p>
<strong>Learning & Development</strong><br /><p>Average five developmental days per employee per year.</p>
<strong>Indigenous Relations</strong><br /><p>Initiate process to achieve Progressive Aboriginal Relations (PAR) Committed Criteria.</p>
<strong>Reduced Chemical Dependence by 2025</strong><br /><p>Complete R&D project with McGill University to reduce chlorine in gold refining.</p>
<strong>Responsible Sourcing</strong><br /><p>Explore Artisanal Sourced Mining and Indigenous Outreach. Fully deploy precious metals traceability.</p>
<strong>Certifications</strong><br /><p>Maintain LBMA and ISO 14001:2015 certifications.</p>
<strong>Transparency</strong><br /><p>Publish 2023 Impact Report.</p>

ESG Updates

This section will be continually updated with articles, photos, videos and more. There will be new content to share in the weeks and month ahead, so be sure to check back often.

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Composting Commitment
Mint employees compost 14 tonnes of waste in 2023

Jul 04, 2024Environmental