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The legacy collection: Passing down the passion

  • Dec 21, 2021
  • Learn

Legacy. That word comes up a lot, and for those who have a sense or love of history, it truly matters: it’s the closest we come to achieving immortality, our way of leaving a mark on the world and ensuring that we’ll be remembered.

Legacy building is often cited as the great motivator behind many collections, and while nobody wants to be reminded of their own mortality, some scenario planning is required—whether your coins are high in dollar or sentimental value.

If you’ve taken the time to amass and curate a legacy collection, you will want to make sure your future gift will be viewed as a benefit rather than a burden. And given how much you treasure them today, it will be comforting to know that your collectibles will be appreciated for years to come.


Legacy. That word comes up a lot, and for those who have a sense or love of history, it truly matters: it’s the closest we come to achieving immortality, our way of leaving a mark on the world and ensuring that we’ll be remembered.

Legacy building is often cited as the great motivator behind many collections, and while nobody wants to be reminded of their own mortality, some scenario planning is required—whether your coins are high in dollar or sentimental value.

If you’ve taken the time to amass and curate a legacy collection, you will want to make sure your future gift will be viewed as a benefit rather than a burden. And given how much you treasure them today, it will be comforting to know that your collectibles will be appreciated for years to come.

I’ve inherited a coin collection… now what?

An inherited coin collection is an unexpected gift that often reveals something about its owner and their interests. It may also seem like you’re stepping into a whole new world, and if you’re not already familiar with numismatics (the study or collection of coins), managing your collection may seem like a daunting task.

Collecting Strategies for New Coin Collectors

Building a collection can be overwhelming for new collectors. With so many choices out there, where do you even start? What’s the best way to build the perfect collection?

First off, there is no such thing as “the best way” to build a collection. To each their own. You will find that all collectors have their own strategy, so there is no right or wrong way, but there are tips that can help. Here are a few for you.

What's the best way to store your coins?

Oil, dirt and even just plain air can damage coin finishes. So can humidity and temperature extremes. If you want to keep your collection in “mint” condition (pun intended), what’s the best way to do it? The answer can depend on your priorities. Are you looking to preserve your coins as investments or do you want to be able to look at and display them?