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What Role Does Silver Play in the Green Economy?

  • Jun 24, 2024
  • loveSILVER
  • 3 minute read

The information contained in this article is current as of the date of publishing.

Silver has had many industrial applications throughout history, from food preservation and medical treatments to photography, electronics and even space exploration. But in recent years, organizations like the Silver Institute have seen a surge in global demand for silver, exceeding the available supply.[1] According to their World Silver Survey 2024, a key factor driving this trend is silver’s role in the “green economy,” in which it can be used to power electric vehicles, solar panels and other technologies—helping pave the way toward a more sustainable future.[2]


The information contained in this article is current as of the date of publishing.

Silver has had many industrial applications throughout history, from food preservation and medical treatments to photography, electronics and even space exploration. But in recent years, organizations like the Silver Institute have seen a surge in global demand for silver, exceeding the available supply.[1] According to their World Silver Survey 2024, a key factor driving this trend is silver’s role in the “green economy,” in which it can be used to power electric vehicles, solar panels and other technologies—helping pave the way toward a more sustainable future.[2]

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Silver is one of the scarcest, most essential and most valuable metals in the world. The industrial usages for silver are rich, driving its demand and appeal as an investment. Silver is precious and here’s why.